Wednesday, November 17, 2010

oooo - film!

I bought a film camera off e-bay, it's pretty super, I really like the tartan strap.

I took my first roll of film, how exciting until I went to pick it up from the film processing shop and it hadn't worked. I'd had my suspicions it may not have gone through properly and it didn't but that's alright, mistakes are the best way to learn right?

So then I bought some more film (fujifilm colour 200) and went for a walk along public footpaths in the countryside this morning and took some pictures, a whole roll of them and then didn't notice I'd got to the end of the roll and tried to take too many and forced the windy lever and the film broke off the canister and I opened the back to take the film out and saw what had happened and closed it straight away and took the whole mess into the camera shop to get them to get the film out. And the man was nice, then not so nice, he thought my film would be ruined and asked why I was bothering with film anyway and I felt like crying but I went back an hour later to pick it up and the film was a-ok! Except for the last 5 or so shots which is to be expected and I didn't mind at all and I got some fun light exposure marks as an added bonus. So here are some I thought were ok.

I got rather obsessed with the layers in the landscape, foreground, mid ground, background, way background, light and shadow, dry and frost, grass and trees and sky... there are more along this vein which I haven't included.
 I think the camera may be better for close ups rather than landscapes but I really need to read up and remember what I learnt in High School photography and take a notebook and record the settings I use so I know for next time what works (man, I'm such a mature student!).
 Ok, maybe I did include another landscape layer picture...
 I was like a small child jumping in all the iced over puddles. Brand new gumboots, ice, mud, water, what more could I ask for?
I don't really like the composition of the shot but I love the colours. I also need to work on focusing!
 This was the last shot that survived the film exposing incident. Yay, fun colours!
The black at the top of the frames is from the exposing film incident I think. I really quite like the colours here.
 Oh and this is from the beginning of the film, this has been exposed because of my over zealous checking the film is actually winding on but I like it!

Fingers crossed I manage to get the next film out like a normal person. Also, I'm not going to go back to Happy Snaps, I wasn't really happy with the quality of the prints. It looked like they were digital not proper prints. Though it could have just been my photo taking skills or lack of...